Leading Expert
Head, Department of Creative Design
Project Manager, 3D Printed UAV Micro-Motor Project
Professor Zhang joined NIIAM as the Head of Department of Creative Design in August 2017. His work mainly involves in creative design, i.e. optimize industry products design creatively by integrating additive manufacturing methods and creative design approaches.
Professor Zhang is a professor and a PhD supervisor at School of Engineering, Xi'an Jiao tong University. His field of research interests is closely related to advance forming technology and equipment. i.e. local incremental metal forming theory and key technologies, composite sheet, carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin hot stamping forming process, rotary forging forming technology and its equipment, metal semi-solid material preparation and its forming process, integration of aluminum alloy casting forming technology, vibration extrusion metal forming technology, liquid, mechanical and electrical control system, Large and complex mold optimization design etc.
Professor Zhang holds a B.S in material processing, a M.S and Ph.D. in Material Processing Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology P.R. China. He pursued his postdoctoral research at CEMEF, Ecole des Mines de Paris in 2007-2008.