Additive Manufacturing Automobile Composite Body and Rapid Mold
Update date:2018-10-24  author:NIIAM  Browsing volume:1110

While as new energy automotive industry is experiencing fastest growing pace ever, its volume is still low. Costly tooling makes true ‘mass customization’ at present not feasible. Cost-effective customization need new technology to help.


NIIAM automobile group are making efforts to help car manufacturer realize economic automobile small batch production as well as meet user’s customized requirements.


Targeting automobiles with a production volume of fewer than 10,000 units, this project is developing rapid manufactured automobile body, rapid manufacturing molds. Currently, the team is capable of verifying automobile master model and composite body design, 3D printing rapid mold manufacturing, providing body rapid mold manufacturing, and supplying inner and outer cover parts.

If you want to learn more about or involve in this project, please contact Dr. Huaying WU at